Monday, September 11, 2017

Fall Meeting: Historic Barn Tour!

October 1st- Be a part of our Historic Barn Tour presented by Mr. Leo Orme.
The day begins with lunch at The HARCC at 11:30 am- a lovely meal catered by Cheyenne Crossing Catering.  At 12:15 pm we will load up the bus to tour Historic barns of Lawrence County, narrated by Mr. Leo Orme.
The tour takes approximately 3 hours.  Wear comfy shoes and consider bringing water.
$25 per person includes lunch and the tour.  Contact Donna Watson for your ticket: 605-578-9770
The first 40 people get to ride the bus, so call soon!
Mr. Orme's book, "Historic Barns of Lawrence County" will be available for purchase as well.

Look for us at The Book Fair!

September 22 and 23 @ Deadwood Mountain Grand
Come purchase golden nuggets of history! We'll be selling the following books at our booth:
--A Timeline of Lawrence County by LCHS
--Deadwood's Mt. Moriah Cemetery by Mike Runge
--Historic Markers of Lawrence County booklet by Norma Kraemer and LCHS
and possibly more!
Stop by or miss out!

Pioneer Families: Your histories are needed!

Attention members: We need members of families who were early pioneers of Lawrence County.  We're currently collecting histories of pioneer families for our sequel book, Some History of Lawrence County, Volume 2.
Please contact us at ASAP for more information!