Sunday, August 13, 2023

Book Release!


History on Video!


Click Here To See Video

See our Youtube short video about where Custer killed a bear North of Rochford, SD! Interesting facts, in a somewhat brief manner :)

Represent Lawrence County, view the videos on our Youtube channel; Lawrence County History 1876... then like and share them with others! Thank you for your support in keeping Lawrence County History alive.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Unveiling Event at Cheyenne Crossing

Come see the Cheyenne Crossing Stage Stop historical marker placed by LCHS, at our unveiling event on Saturday August 19th at 10:00 am.  We'll have free hot dogs and pop (while supplies last.)  The owner of the beloved Cheyenne Crossing Restaurant, Dave Brueckner, will speak about the history of the stage stop.  

We also welcome a local Fosha family member, who will say a few words about the local history. Up until 1887 Henry Fosha operated a stable and barn at the stop, supplying fresh horses for the ride into Deadwood. 

Join us...History happens in the Hills!